Shaping orbital angular momentum with a metasurface
- This diagram (used for a paper figure) shows how a metasurface modifies the orbital angular momentum of a light beam. The input pulse gets dispersed into a rainbow and each component color has its orbital angular momentum modified depending on its position along the metasurface. The colors are then recombined to form the shaped output pulse.
- Client
- NIST / Nanjing University
- Date
- April 2022
- Categories
- Diagram
Project Notes
The original diagram provided by the researchers, which I modified in order to achieve the final version:

In addition to adding more colored beams, I modified the angle, transparency, and density of the nanopillars for the metasurface to make it more visible while also better revealing the beams behind. With guidance from the researchers, I also added shaped input and output pulses and smoothly blended the "rainbow" beam at the point of dispersion and recombination. I also generally changed the colors and contrast of the image to make certain features easier to percieve.